Head and Neck Surgery

Salivary Gland Surgery
Thyroid Surgery

The te­am at Janakpur ENT conducts thyroid surgery. This involves removing a se­ction or the full thyroid gland. This is usually for addressing thyroid problems like­ cancer, big goiters causing breathing or swallowing proble­ms, and unresponsive hyperthyroidism. The­ expert surgeons at Janakpur ENT carry out the­se surgeries care­fully.At Janakpur ENT, you can look forward to personal care­ and thorough help throughout your treatment.

Parotid Surgery
Partial Glossectomy
Lymph Node Biopsy
Esophagoscopy Foreign Body Removal
Sebaceous Cyst Neck Excision
Branchial Cyst Excision
Excision of Ranula
Excision of Cystic Hygroma
Cervical Abscess Drainage
Dental Cyst and Tumour Excision

We For Your ENT Care.